A medical care finder / scheduler app
I wanted to create an efficient and logical UX design for a new app in which people are able to find new doctors in their city. This app provides ways of finding new doctors, saving new doctor contact information, adding appointment information and reminders, and saving settings like insurance.
Role: UX / UI Designer
Company: Watson / Student Project
Time: 2012 / 5 Weeks
Team: 1 designer
Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop
Target Audience:
Young adults who are new to a city.
Brand Character/Tone:
Simple, clear, organized
Brand Message:
Easy-to-use and informative app, that takes some of the stress off moving and relocating
This app is comprised of eight sections on the home screen which are as follows; insurance, location, optometrist, dentist, ratings, urgent care, settings, and search.
The insurance section is first so one can enter their insurance and save it in the device so only doctors pertaining to them will show up. You can also search within one insurance policy. The location section is next, allowing the user to have the app access their location and find doctors nearest to them. The following two are the most common doctors people go to, the optometrist, and the dentist, these allow you to easily access and search within these categories. The ratings button is next which allows users to search within all categories of health and find different user generated ratings of doctors in their area, as well as input their own opinions about different doctors. The urgent care button allows you to quickly find fast help in your nearest location. The settings button allows you to add all your preferences such as insurance company and location. It also allows you to save doctors information such as discipline and phone number. Here you can add appointments which you can sync your calendar with to have an up-to-date schedule as well as reminders. The last icon is a quick search tool in which you can search for any doctor, insurance, location, etc.
The design is clean with a dark gray background and white text to provide easy readability in all lighting situations. This is especially helpful in the dark, because the screen will not have a blinding effect. There are accents of blue and green to help divide headings from subhead to allow for quicker understanding about where the user is in the application. The colors are both bright to keep the aesthetic gender neutral.
The logotype is made from a fresh yet simple typeface, which keeps it in style and quick to read. The "S" and the "T" in the logotype have been merged together to create a caduceus symbol, the medical staff symbol, to relate show this is a medical app. The app is name after Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series, which has made a large come back into current culture. Although different from a medical doctor, people associate the name Watson with a doctor. The app also references the Sherlock Holmes series in it's function because as Holmes is a detective, the app is used as a finding device. That being said the app is only referenced by the name and not by the style.
The app maintains a simplistic grid and has a navigation uses a outlined or filled-in dot system to show the user where they are within the app.